
Sing Choirs of Angels

There are nine groups, or "choirs," of angels. The highest choir, the Seraphim, are believed to be nearest the Throne of God, loving, praising and glorifying Him ceaselessly. After the Seraphim follow the other eight choirs: Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels.

The Tradition of the Church teaches that Guardian Angels are taken from the Angel choir, and, in certain cases, the Archangel choir. These angels are at the lower end of the ranking not because they love God any less, but because they are in more direct contact with human beings and other visible works of creation.

During this resolution-making first week of January, we are reminded that not only do we all have our own place and duties, but that there's also always room for improvement.

The angels have no such weaknesses. They have their assigned jobs and do them quite well . . . okay, perfectly. So who better to ask for help in keeping our resolutions for the new year? Our angels, of course. In fact, maybe we should make that one of our top resolutions: Pray to the angels more! Sure, they have plenty of other stuff to do, but I think it's safe to say they can handle multitasking.

As Mother Angelica says in her inimitable style: "[The angels] all have specific works to do. They are not just dilly-dallying up there."

Here's wishing everyone a happy, healthy, and productive 2012! Remember, no dilly-dallying.

Blessed Pope John Paul II and the Angels

It seems only fitting that the first post of this blog should center on the Church's newest saint, Blessed Pope John Paul II. According to author and noted angel authority Msgr. Marcello Stanzione, Pope John Paul II said on several occasions that he asked his guardian angel for help every day.

In the summer of 1986, the Pope delivered a series of talks at his General Audiences entitled Catechesis on the Angels. These six speeches reflect the Church's teachings on the nature of angelic spirits, their importance and participation in salvation history, the fall of the rebellious angels, and, finally, Christ's victory over evil. He concludes his lesson with this reminder to the faithful:

"And while the existence of the wicked angels requires of us that we be watchful so as not to yield to their empty promises, we are certain that the victorious power of Christ the Redeemer enfolds our lives, so that we ourselves may overcome these spirits. In this, we are powerfully helped by the good angels-- "

"Be not afraid!" was the exhortation famously resounded by Blessed Pope John Paul II. Remaining mindful that our guardian angels are always at our sides, we can truly take the Pope's message to heart.

The entire text of the Catechesis on the Angels is available on EWTN.