
St.Michael, Prince of Angels


From Mary's Blog:

"During the summer just past, I was rudely awoken one night by a strong stench of burning. The air around my bed seemed heavy and thick with particles of scorched earth. In my sleepiness, I thought that someone had left a pot of earth-encrusted potatoes on the boil too long and that their muddy skins were now burning. But as I tried to move from bed, the smell of earth-on-fire came at me with a violent power that pushed me backwards and I wondered how I could even raise my voice to cry out that something was on fire. Then the ferocity of the stench struck me as not being of a natural origin and I realized that it was a variety of demonic attack and my soul shrieked, HOLY MICHAEL, PRAY FOR ME . . ."

Read more at Mary's Blog >>


  1. Dear Melaine, Thank you so much for featuring my post on your blog. I look forward to reading more of your blog because it looks to be a beautiful fruit of your faith. Yours in Christ, Mary

  2. Mary, I find your posts extremely inspirational. I hope I can send new readers your way.
