
Help For Financial Curses

Demons will try to take everything from you ... including your money. In this fascinating blog post repeated below, exorcist Msgr. Stephen Rossetti shares wisdom and warnings about the demonic and financial curses.


Exorcist Diary #226: Financially Cursed

A man's cry for help to us caught my eye. He said:

"I own my own business. Large amounts of money come through but

I can never keep any of it. If it looks like I will have a little profit from a job,

something unexpected will ALWAYS pop up and take it, like a vehicle breaking

down, even though there was absolutely nothing wrong with it before. Recently a

customer wanted to pay their final payment with a credit card. I have three

different credit card systems, each under different companies, but the day I went

to collect the payment none of them would work...."

These were just a few of his examples. He had many more!

Read the entire post here.

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