
Angels and Exorcisms


Domenico Ghirlandaio, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

It's comforting to reflect on how the angels are always with us in all our needs and circumstances. In his latest blog post, Msgr. Stephen Rossetti tells us how comforting and beneficial it is to him and his deliverance team to have angelic defenders present at exorcisms. 


Exorcist Diary #237: Angelic Powers in an Exorcism

One of our afflicted persons has been particularly violent in sessions and needs strong restraints. At one point, he managed to break free and started to swing his arms wildly. The exorcist was justly alarmed and prayed aloud: "I ask the holy angels to restraint this man until we can secure him!" Immediately, his arms dropped to his side and remained motionless until he was restrained again. After being restrained, he again began to thrash, but was safely secured.

A particularly gifted individual told us that we have at least one angel from the angelic ranks of Powers at each of our exorcism sessions . . .
Read the entire post here.