
Beware of "Spirit Guides" . . .


. . . they may not be who they say they are.


"The Catholic Church has long taught that each of us has a guardian angel to guide us throughout our lives on our way to God's Kingdom. In a demonic inversion of the sacred, some occultists posit that you have a personal spirit or a spirit guide."

In his latest blog post on The Exorcist Diary, Msgr. Stephen Rossetti reminds us to be ever vigilant of deceptive spirits, and to never try to communicate with our guardian angel via New Age or occult practices.

Read the whole post here.

Angels and Exorcisms


Domenico Ghirlandaio, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

It's comforting to reflect on how the angels are always with us in all our needs and circumstances. In his latest blog post, Msgr. Stephen Rossetti tells us how comforting and beneficial it is to him and his deliverance team to have angelic defenders present at exorcisms. 


Exorcist Diary #237: Angelic Powers in an Exorcism

One of our afflicted persons has been particularly violent in sessions and needs strong restraints. At one point, he managed to break free and started to swing his arms wildly. The exorcist was justly alarmed and prayed aloud: "I ask the holy angels to restraint this man until we can secure him!" Immediately, his arms dropped to his side and remained motionless until he was restrained again. After being restrained, he again began to thrash, but was safely secured.

A particularly gifted individual told us that we have at least one angel from the angelic ranks of Powers at each of our exorcism sessions . . .
Read the entire post here.

Help For Financial Curses

Demons will try to take everything from you ... including your money. In this fascinating blog post repeated below, exorcist Msgr. Stephen Rossetti shares wisdom and warnings about the demonic and financial curses.


Exorcist Diary #226: Financially Cursed

A man's cry for help to us caught my eye. He said:

"I own my own business. Large amounts of money come through but

I can never keep any of it. If it looks like I will have a little profit from a job,

something unexpected will ALWAYS pop up and take it, like a vehicle breaking

down, even though there was absolutely nothing wrong with it before. Recently a

customer wanted to pay their final payment with a credit card. I have three

different credit card systems, each under different companies, but the day I went

to collect the payment none of them would work...."

These were just a few of his examples. He had many more!

Read the entire post here.